Sunday, August 26, 2012

Come one, come all...

If you live in Portland Oregon, please come check out my new show at the Albina Press (50th & Hawthorne) The show opens September 7th. I will be exhibiting new paintings alongside my beautiful girlfriend, Ariel Whitacre, who will be showing her recent collage work. The opening is from 5-8pm. Refreshments will be served. If you can't make the opening, the show will be up for the month of September. This looks to be my only show this year, so I hope you can make it. Cheers.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Randomly found your site through google images, was an enjoyable read. For a lot of young people trying to find their way/make a living through art seeing casual stories of your life is inspiring/reassuring.

Hope all is still well, did you move this over to tumblr/IG or anything?